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Founder of Perfect Science Creator of Wellness Program
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Vital Earth Solution EK-CO Equine System

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Vital earth Solution a Perfect Science


Vital Earth Solutions Inc. has developed the EK-CO Equine System ™ as a vital connection for the competitive horse. This system was developed to balance your horse to allow maximum performance with minimum stress.

As part of their every day routine the EC-CO Equine System™ will stabilize the energy of the horse to a level needed to handle everyday work and also the increased demands of competition.

The EK-CO Equine System was developed with proprietary formulas from Perfect Science AD, Inc. This system of formulas 1) encapsulates toxins 2) converts toxins 3) balances energy for proper performance of body systems that allows maximum performance.


The EK-CO Equine System ™ is based on the research and development of Perfect Science Technologies that has created formulas correcting problems affecting our planet and its inhabitants. The toxic state of our planet has caused in its inhabitants a state of unwellness. The plan of Vital Earth Solutions, Inc. is to work with humans and animals to bring balance to their physical and energetic bodies.

Pollution has caused an imbalance in all inhabitants of our planet between negative and positive charges. It has been documented that an imbalance in energy is correlated to the manifestation of disease. Research in this area has noted that if a balance were made the body would be able to function in a state of wellness.


Awareness of our environmental state is necessary to correct this situation. To be able to have individuals understand this situation they must be in a clear state of mind and body. If we start with our personal space and learn to teach others we will make a difference. All individuals are an important part of the planet and have been compensated for by the pollution.


Environmental factors frequently contribute or are responsible for health challenges. Challenges resulting from pesticides, insecticides and other potential endocrine disruptors are of particular concern in situations involving animals. It is the experience of the Perfect Science AD Inc. formula systems to successfully transform various organic contaminants into non-toxic, non-hazardous organic material (amino and fatty acids). Whether the health challenge is from direct cause and effect (virus), or indirect weakening of the immune system (endocrine disruptors), or a combination, any system needs to address both possibilities.


Several past studies have involved and approach that included two aspect:

1) The use of a non-invasive acupuncture-based energy, vibration, physical, matter monitoring technology that has been successfully used with both humans and animals- this technology has been used to assist in the development of EK-CO Equine System ™ and protocols as well as to monitor the improving conditions during the course of the application.
2) The use of non-toxic, non-hazardous, aqueous-based formula systems (proprietary) containing Perfect Science AD Inc formulas that have considerable success in stimulating the body’s immune system to successfully meet health- related challenges-based on monitored conditions, the effects of aqueous based formulas systems and protocols to be used as well to monitor the improving condition.

The EK-CO Equine Systems™ approach is the result of research done with Perfect Science AD, Inc/ Vital Earth Solutions Inc. formulas starting in 1998 in Joliet, IL and continuing in Sarasota, FL, Lockport, IL, Boulder, CO and Norway. The coordinated research has involved several groups – all connected to Perfect Science AD, Inc, Vital Earth Solutions Inc., Full Circle Technologies, and Perfect Science of Boulder, CO.

The monitoring technology is an outgrowth of EAV (electro acupuncture according to Voll). A key veterinary use of these systems is that acupuncture meridians are documented the same in horses, cows, camels and humans.

Based on our past experiences, we have developed the EK-CO Equine System ™ specifically for the equine challenges. The concept is simple and implementation of the approach is straight-forward.


EK-CO Equine Systems™is an energetic system, a cutting edge development because of the unique creation of formulas from Perfect Science AD Inc. and the development through Vital Earth Solutions, Inc. These formulas system stand alone as an energetic effect on the body never before experienced.

Energy in the body at the pristine state maximizes the body’s appearance that reflects the internal glow of wellness. Balanced energy is the ultimate key to unlock a simplistic but extremely powerful element.

EK-CO Equine Systems is designed to be integrated with the luxury of therapies and or apart of your own daily routine, The approach of this system is to enhance the balance needed in the vital force of energy in the body.

Energy therapy does not cure but allows the body to heal itself. The EK-CO Equine Systems ™ are targeted for wellness.


For those who are " stewards", trainers, owner of horses need to empower yourself to combat the environmental impact on these magnificent creatures.

Use the EK-CO Equine System ™ to stop the insidious affect that put these animals into a world that imprisons them. Allow no time to pass, for each moment we waste not understanding will lead to destroying the connection with the animals. They have many gifts to give more then we have experienced but they are in grave danger!

Their connection with the planet puts them into position of absorbing toxins, negative energy from pollution. This level is at such a magnitude that their lives are constantly affected. Each sign that we see, physical or emotional only shows us part of the depth what is occurring in their bodies.

You, who feel for the needs of these animals can use the
EK-CO Equine System ™ and

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